Pompa de comparatie P5513 - 210 bar

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  • Specificatii:

    A pressure comparator supplies the same precisely controlled pressure to both a reference gauge and device under test for calibration. The Fluke P5513 is ideal for pneumatic calibration workload over 300 psi.

    • High pressure pneumatic operation
    • Screw press for fine pressure adjustments
    • High quality needle valves for fine controlTest port adapters which require no PTFE tape or wrenches
    • Sturdy carrying case with lid
    • Can be used with the 2700G Reference Pressure Gauge to provide a complete calibration solution

    Make it a Pressure Calibrator (P5513-2700G)
    The Fluke Calibration P5513 Pressure Comparator when combined with the 2700G Reference Pressure Gauges becomes an easy-to-use alternative to traditional deadweight testers that covers a wide range of workload. For convenience, the P5513 is bundled together with selected 2700G Reference Pressure Gauges for a complete bench top pressure calibration solution. These pressure calibrators provide the accuracy, reliability, and capability you need to calibrate dial gauges, digital test gauges and pressure transmitters.

    For example, the P5513-2700G-3 is a P5513 Pressure Comparator, bundled together with 2700G-G20M, 2700G-BG7M, 2700G-BG700K. This calibrator has three pressure ranges corresponding to the three 2700G Reference Pressure Gauges in the bundle and covers a total pressure range of –12 psi to 3000 psi (–80 kPa to 20 MPa).

    The accuracy of the calibrator is equal to the accuracy of the 2700G Reference Pressure Gauge being used: ±0.02% full scale of positive pressure or ±0.05% of full scale for vacuum.
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