Multimetru digital de laborator Rigol DM858E

Pret (TVA inclus):2.007 lei

021 / 314 35 99

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DM858 is an economical 5.5-bit digital multimeter with features such as high precision, multifunctionality, easy operation, large screen, and small volume. It provides USB and LAN interfaces and supports remote control. It is compact and supported by a desktop stand, designed for automatic measurement, making it the best choice for engineers.

5½ digit TRMS multimeter, DCV accuracy up to 0.060%, reading rate up to 80 rdgs/s, 20000 points memory and a 17.8 cm touchdisplay 1024x600 pixel.

The Rigol DM858 benchtop digital multimeter provides a highly cost-effective test tool for engineers. It features 5.5-digit resolution, max. 125 readings/s, data logging memory of 500,000 points, and 0.03% DCV accuracy (1 year). It provides 11 measurement functions for input signals, 5 Math operations, and 3 graphical display types, satisfying what most experiments and tests require of a multimeter.

The 7" touch screen allows a clear view on measurement results. Its provides USB and LAN interfaces (standard) as well as the Web Control function for you to control the instrument directly, bringing smoother interaction. It is equipped with a Type-C interface for power charge.

In addition, it has a compact size and supports the attachment to a bracket, saving valuable bench space for engineers.

For more information, click here

Download Rigol DM858 series brochure here

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